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142 أدوات العرض

استعادة البيانات وحلول النسخ الاحتياطي للبيانات

on raspberry pi apply these two commands

sudo mount -o remount,rw /root_bypass_ramdisks

sudo chroot /root_bypass_ramdisks


I have downloaded posbox / iotbox iso multipe time and have ran on raspberry pi, I tried to install openvpn client or any other package. no success. installation of iotbox / posbox iso turn memory card of raspberrypi to read only, How to install other packages on installed iotbox? any tips / guide ? Thanks





 Oscar Fonseca  20 décembre 2022

I have never installed any package there since the system is very customized. In any case, I have put binaries or changed the configuration.

To do this, you must enter through ssh (user pi, password raspberry) and remount the file system:

‘sudo mount -o remount,rw /root_bypass_ramdisks’

Under the /root_bypass_ramdisks directory you can edit something and it will survive the restart.

  1Commentaires Muhammad Zubair Riaz  –23 décembre 2022 

Thank you, I will install odoo on rpi again and will check. Thank you, once again.



 Quentin Lejeune (qle)  23 décembre 2022

Good point for Oscar Fonseca

Moreover after the remount you can run

sudo chroot /root_bypass_ramdisks

and after run what you want in apt

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